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4 Innovative Teaching Methods to “WOW” Your Students [Infographics]


“The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery” – Mark Van Doren 

“Technology also plays a key role in effective teaching.”

Here are 4 Innovative Teaching Methods to impress your students:

1. Use Educational Videos

Relevant videos keep students more alert, motivated and focused on the specific topic in hand.

2. Improved Classroom Technology

Using math and language games to teach, Skype to communicate with speakers from around the world, or even multimedia.

3. Interactive Learning

The greater the student interaction is encouraged, the faster the boundaries of authority will be broken.

4. Spaced Learning Works

Highly concentrated summary of lessons or content is repeated thrice by students.

Technology can become the “WINGS” that will allow the educational world to fly farther and faster than ever before- if we will allow it.

4 Innovative Teaching Methods to “WOW” Your Students


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