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25 Must Have Educational Apps for Students in 2023

Educational apps have become an inevitable part of education in the past few years. They help students, teachers, parents and educational institutes to carry out their respective education-based responsibilities efficiently. From learning different subjects to being organized, there are different educational apps available for students that help them to save time and be more productive. […]

School Technology

15 Best E-Learning Tools for Online Education

In the new arena of learning, technology is playing an important role than ever before. Teaching and learning are slowly moving into more of digital space and outsmarting the traditional classroom system. Moreover, the Covid situations are demanding a great emphasis on online education and that is the reason why e-learning tools are gaining a […]

School Technology

15 Virtual Classroom Technology and Apps 

Virtual classrooms are becoming one of the most significant and inevitable elements of today’s learning platform. That is why today’s education has moved way far from one-sided teacher lectures to interacting learning sessions. We have seen many phases of virtual classrooms and the technology development is in the progress every now and then. Synchronous learning […]

School Technology

Is Zoom App Safe for Online classes? – A Detailed Overview

Zoom Video Conferencing App!!!! A wonderful piece of technology that many of us can’t get hold of in this COVID season. This App has been surprising everybody through its incredible popularity in the market. And it’s really true that this App has made Work from Home simpler and easier in this lockdown period. But are […]

School Technology

23 New ways to use Flipgrid in the classroom

What is Flipgrid? Flipgrid is a social learning platform for students from kindergarten to Ph.D. and beyond… It is a tool to record and share short and awesome videos. It can be used to engage and empower every voice in your home or classroom. Educators create Grids and add topics; these grids are the meeting […]

School Technology

How much does it cost to create an app like Unacademy?

Unacademy is one of the largest online educational platforms in India with almost 22 million users. It becomes a perfect companion for the aspirants throughout their journey for cracking competitive exams. It offers live classes from experts and also gives them an opportunity to clear doubts. Apart from this, the aspirants can also test the […]

School Technology

15 Best Educational Software Companies in India

Educational systems in India surely have gone up a notch. A primary reason behind it is the presence of educational software companies that aid in education management remotely. Digital product-based companies in India have worked hard to create public and private school portals for a productive student management system focusing on education. Through such educational […]

School Technology

20 Characteristics of a Highly Effective School Management Software

School management is an important part of any educational system. School authorities all over the world are continuously engaged in numerous activities to efficiently manage school functions and provide a better educational experience to students. However, managing school affairs is not at all easy in this fast growing world. To better perform the functions of […]

School Technology

Technology In Classroom. What’s New For 2018?

As we welcome another New Year, changes are inevitable in every field and it is no different in the education sector. When you talk about modern education, what a student wants the most is a good classroom experience. With advancements in technology, there is a lot for classrooms to expect in 2018, as well. Incorporating […]

School Technology

40 Free Educational Websites You Shouldn’t Miss

Gone are the days when knowledge was limited to classrooms and lecture notes. Thanks to the internet, education is now accessible to a larger group of people who actively seek it and educational websites play a key role in providing relevant and updated information.There are mainly two kinds of Educational websites: (1) – provides information […]

School Technology

Tips to Use Technology Smartly in Classroom

The concept of make-over is getting much attention these days. “Flipped classroom” is a buzz word related to classrooms and learning methods. It’s a classroom closely knitted to technology. Integrating technology in classroom needs special care. You can’t just introduce schools apps to the children and say, “Now we have got technology”. How technology is […]

School Technology

Can Mobile Phone Contribute In Education?

You need quality in anything you invest. Whether it’s the school for your child or the carpet for your house, quality speaks. Since KHDA has taken the responsibility of assuring the quality of private institutions and EYFS made it mandatory to encourage activities among children, tension of parents has reduced considerably. Education is no longer […]

School Technology

Technology in Classrooms of the Future

Remember how you used to get excited when you, as a kid, went to the computer lab of your school or when your teacher brought a projector to the classroom? A few years back, technology in classrooms was a matter of curiosity. But now, it is a necessity. Technology has already entered classrooms now and […]

School Technology

How To Solve Bigger Problems with the WorkForce Management System?

“Working hard and working smart sometimes can be two different things” –Byron Dorgan Smart work is always way better than hard work. The best is to work in such a way that, the work gets finished in time without much labor yet delivers fruitful results. Have you ever wondered, how a school is managed? The overall […]

School Technology

Why we love School Workforce Management software (And you should, too!)?

XYZ School was not the same before. They used to participate actively in all the cultural fests happening across the country and the students gave their best performances in all the examinations. Things changed when the school failed to recognize the contributions of a teacher who was responsible for majority of the fame the school […]

School Technology

Role of Software in Parent-Teacher Communication

Education is an enlightening experience. It is not simply teaching and learning from the text books and gathering certificates. As far as a child is concerned, this enlightenment first takes place from home, and then, from school. So, to mould a perfect human being, there must be cognition between parents and teachers. A few centuries […]

School Technology

Effectiveness of Timetable Management Software

Managing timetables, plotting school bus route plans, calculating payroll and evaluating teacher performance adds to the tedious tasks of school management. Education software has been helping schools to manage these activities effectively by lessening the day-to-day time and effort put to complete them. For instance, managing timetables is a difficult task for many school authorities. […]

School Technology

Evolution of Education Software

The burgeoning of computing and networking technologies in the education field opens up a new world of virtual learning integrating work lives into our homes. Educational software abet in blending the work and home environment thereby helping to structure our lives on our own. The field of educational technology is a gradual movement with advances […]

School Technology

8 Tools Schools Should Be Using To Provide Better Education

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” -Nelson Mandela To be educated is important and if it is provided with better facilities, students will be more capable of facing the future with confidence. Like every field, education sector is also in the path of advancement. Most of the […]

School Technology

9 Simple Ideas to Select the Right Applicant Tracking System

Applicant Tracking Systems are useful tools that save money and time. They increase the overall efficiency of recruiting processes in education institutes, making the hiring process easier as never before.However, educational institutions need to consider many things before choosing the right Applicant Tracking System that streamlines the process of recruiting and hiring in a simple […]

School Technology

7 Key Advantages of using Recruitment Software

From work force management software to payroll management software, there is a means to meet the day to day activities of your school in a more reliable way. Having software to help boost the effectiveness of your school management saves your time and money as well as improves the administrative procedures of your school. For […]

School Technology

What is GPS? It’s Working, Features, History and Evolution

You’ve most likely been in this situation. Thinking that you know right where you are going, you take confident strides in an unfamiliar place. But after taking a few turns around the block, your conviction seems to wane a little bit, a few minutes later, you understand that you are hopelessly lost. Ever since the […]

School Technology

10 Reasons you should invest in GPS Vehicle Tracking Technology

GPS vehicle tracking technology has become popular in a short span of time. It tracks the location and position of vehicles. Commonly, a GPS vehicle tracking system will have a tracking device inside the vehicle along with software and a server which allows the user to track the vehicle from the headquarters. GPS vehicle tracking […]

School Technology

7 Things to Consider When Choosing a GPS Vehicle Tracking Device

GPS tracking systems have become immensely popular over the last decade. This technology has found numerous applications across industries. You can find it in major social medias such as Facebook, Google plus, etc. There are also tracking devices for ensuring safety such as the GPS school bus tracking system. The basic function of a GPS […]

School Technology

Work Force Management Ranking to Improve Your Staff’s Performance

Teaching is a remarkable profession. It is one that moulds the future generation, and hence has a high value. But just like any other professionals, teachers also need to be encouraged to perform better. In fact, all staff in a school should be incentivised to perform better as every one of them might have a […]

School Technology

Advantages of Automatic Routing and Planning

For any school, routing and planning for transportation is a headache. The routes may not be the most efficient one; there might be special needs to be considered for some children, etc. So why not use the School Bus Tracker and tackle all these issues effectively. Here are the advantages of employing School Bus Tracker […]

School Technology

Manage Drivers with School Bus Tracker

A good school bus tracking software should invariably be able to manage drivers too. Imagine the scenario where you have the complete database of driver time and attendance. Wouldn’t it be really helpful? Definitely! You will be able to compare driver performance over time. The School bus Tracker would in fact be a single tool […]

School Technology

Learning Management System

Make training online easy with our Learning Management System (LMS). This simple, easy-to-use software allows you to handle various aspects of e-learning with ease. Be it administration, documentation, tracking, reporting and delivery of e-learning education courses or training programs, we have got it all covered. For bringing you the best Learning Management System, our dedicated […]

School Technology

ParentApp – An Android App For Parents To Track Students

The progress of a child at school is one of the most important concerns of a parent. They are keen to track attendance, results and the different activities that take place at the school regarding their child. The best way to address this concern is to hand them the ability to track the different aspects […]

School Technology

Payroll Management of Institutions

Payroll processing can be difficult and we at Edsys understands the complexity and believes in a business model driven by a powerful Payroll Management software for success. Our Payroll system efficiently handles pay scale of employees, improving the effectiveness of company’s administrative information processing. The module provides provision for generation of Payslips, Allowances & Deductions […]

School Technology

SMS alert system with RIMS keeps you updated

Did you know that RIMS (Real time Institution Management Systems) also has the feature for sms alerts? Parents can keep track of their children’s progress by following critical updates from schools. The Alert system is in focus to send out important notifications to parents with key features like Individual messaging Group messaging Fee Arrears notification […]

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